Strabane Academy

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Learning & Teaching

At Strabane Academy we are committed to high quality teaching and learning to engage and enthuse our students with a love of learning and a curiosity about the world around them. Lessons are facilitated with a calm and purposeful environment where students are nurtured and challenged to use a variety of skills to achieve their potential.

At Strabane Academy every lesson counts. We aim to develop the students’ skills across all subject areas in their journey with us. Teaching staff use the latest pedagogical studies to inform areas of focus within teaching and learning. This year we have had a particular focus on embedding retrieval practice within our lessons as well as using effective assessment for learning.

The role of pupils in Learning & Teaching 

 Pupils are expected to:

▪ Arrive to class on time, fully equipped, prepared and ready to learn

▪ Work with teachers in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

▪ Be well behaved and demonstrate self-discipline.

▪ Take pride in their work and persevere with tasks to complete work within set deadlines.

▪ Take personal responsibility for learning both individually and in groups.

▪ Show respect for the views held and expressed by others in the class.

The role of Parents/Guardians in Learning & Teaching 

 Parents should:

▪ Provide support to pupils at home, allowing them to continue learning effectively.

▪ Ensure that pupils attend school regularly.

▪ Act upon any advice provided by the school.

▪ Maintain communication with the school through the appropriate channels, e.g. day book, parent’s evenings, form teacher, parent / pupil app etc.

 Learning & Teaching at Strabane Academy 

Learning & Teaching at Strabane Academy